Road trip

Had to travel yesterday for my Uncles funeral, 960km in a day isn't bad. On the way we stopped at a park and walked the dogs around for a bit, and found these massive moths on the back of the toilet block.

They look big and scary enough to make up quite a story:

Here you see the Australian vampire moth, known to suck blood from other less dangerour Australian animals like Kangaroos, Koalas, Tasmanian Devils and more.

List of files changed within a range of svn revisions

Today i needed to get a list of files changed within a certain range of svn commits for ftp'ing across to a server and knocked up a quick bash script to do it. Maybe it will help someone else in the future.

for i in `seq 7 30`; do svn log -v -r $i | grep \/ | cut -d' ' -f5; done | sort | uniq -c


Which roughly breaks down to:

Simon Lindsay


Thought i'd better put up a post with some bricks on it.

Stuck in a pic I took at dawn as well, cause it was cool.

Ban on the sale of youth off-highway vehicles

I've posted on my dirt bike website about this, but its worth promoting more (please crosspost, link, retweet etc).

The American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) has made available a video public service announcement (PSA) regarding the current ban on the sale of youth off-highway vehicles (OHVs), which includes motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, intended for kids 12 and under.

Please view the video here, and take action if you are an enthusiast!


Youtube API

I've been working with the Youtube API - - over the weekend, and have discovered that the documentation is not exactly up to date, and some things just dont work.

I may have to resort to the Drupal module - - Even though it looks a little neglected, at least I can fix and send patches back to that.

Anybody else used either and would like to compare notes?

Google friend connect

Google's catchup to facebook connect is in action still, with updates/releases to the API made yesterday to allow better integration with other services.

In particular I was interested in using it with Drupal, and found this post: which was just updated on the 12th, so should be a very good introduction, and there is a drupal module already, which is great.

I'll try it out later and write another blog post.

Drupalcon sessions

Lots of the drupalcon sessions are already uploaded to the Internet Archive, if there was a session you missed, check it out here.


Unfortunately, hotel bandwidth sucks, so I'll have to wait until home in Australia.


Pictures from Trellon's stand @ Drupalcon

As Drupalcon was finishing today (apart from the code sprint), I thought i'd grab some quick photos of the central conference area. Theres not many people about in the first ones, but in the later ones you can see it a little busier, but still a way off the peak.

A great time was had by all, and many of them are out celebrating right now.