Yay, got adsense & analytics working together again!

For about a month, the adsense clicks and impressions have stopped showing up in my google account, and its been driving me batty tryig to figure out what it was.

I finally found it last night, a tiny setting in the drupal google analytics module in advanced settings where is says "Track AdSense ads - If checked, your AdSense ads will be tracked in your Google Analytics account."

Twitter + Drupal + Pidgin

You've been hearing a lot about it in the news, and you're only going to hear more and more. If your business isn't looking into twitter, you're missing a boat thats growing massively - http://xlnk.me/16.

There are ways you can take advantage of twitter, the great thing about twitter is that you dont have to have a long spiel about what you've been doing. This, and other "blogs" i've done do take time, and a real concerted effort to do. Twitter "tweets" are a lot more casual.

Simon Lindsay

Youtube API

I've been working with the Youtube API - http://code.google.com/apis/youtube/2.0/developers_guide_php.html - over the weekend, and have discovered that the documentation is not exactly up to date, and some things just dont work.

I may have to resort to the Drupal module - http://drupal.org/project/youtube_api/ - Even though it looks a little neglected, at least I can fix and send patches back to that.

Anybody else used either and would like to compare notes?